Bits &Pieces of thoughts .. Me.

What i am.
Think about Being..
a wabbit ☺ unskilled and unaware of it ☺ humble ☺ louder than life ☺ passionate ☺ full of empathy ☺ irritated
SaY SomEthIng!!
i can handle it.
"i used to believe that whatever you do is alright, as long as you can live with yourself at the end of the day."

Okay, so the title of my last post was not exactly about what i wrote.. i did realise that , but i just didnt want to come up with a different relevant title.

Something that has been crossing my mind frequently these past 2 weeks..

-arrogance in always believing you're right, you can and that THEy are wrong/mislead/naive.

Firstly, my own arrogance in believing that i have the ability to "see the larger picture" and always be so clever to be able to maintain the general good of all. Certainly i didnt think of myself of some little miss perfect but i was proud knowing that i was conscious of the things that surround. When you think you're on top of it all, the effort stops, you dont bother, you plummet, drop. You moved, but realisation never hit.

In observing other people. Hello~ please do NOT act like you're some sort of high & mighty queen because you ARE not and this lack of respect towards others and myself just pisses me off. "Do unto others what you will unto yourself". So, thats how you'd want to be treated? i seriously doubt i did anything to deserve you treating me like that.
To others, why are you reacting this way? Would would you have done in his place?
Of course its natural to react that way, you're in the right .. right? Reconsider- gasp* WHAT IS THERE TO RECONSIDER?!THE OTHER WAY IS WRONG~!! forget i even mentioned it. You're mind is already made up.

Looking down on others- [haha, isnt that what im doing now?.. surprise, surprise] . Do you think you're any better? We laugh at others, sneer at their narrow perceptions, their naivity.. so you think you're in a better position? Maybe ignorance is a bliss, some ppl are just happier that way and you're the only one miserable about it anyway.

sigh** sigh** i just think sometimes people are so freaking full of themelves and the solution to that is that we should all just SLap! the point into their faces once in a while to maintain balance. Sad to say, sometimes we'd just rather sit back and not bother. End up suffering more.

Back to my previous post, there is a certain direction that we always must follow.. divine direction, but the tough part is figuring out what that is in the first place. Divine direction isnt a mindset.. its usually stable and anyway requires you to constantly seek it. Some would call it fate. I'd say, what God intends for me. My arrogance has been thinking i can handle it, thinking that i am submiting to Him, thinking that as long as i pour in a lot of effort, some things will definately come. No one ever said it was going to be easy.. but i assumed so, sub-consciously. Tsktsk**

Arrogance= why arent people doing it my way[the BEST way] ?
Never ending ignorance= life of continuous happiness?
Be it the ignorant naive idiot or the ignorant arrogant pig.

"i used to believe that whatever you do is alright, as long as you can live with yourself at the end of the day."
posted by su @ 8:33 AM  
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Name: su
About Me: Origin: Malaysia carried out life in Singapore.. 2 years exactly. Currently: Melbourne
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