Bits &Pieces of thoughts .. Me.

What i am.
Think about Being..
a wabbit ☺ unskilled and unaware of it ☺ humble ☺ louder than life ☺ passionate ☺ full of empathy ☺ irritated
SaY SomEthIng!!
Upcoming stuff, tiredness & photos..
I'm suppose to go for a dance practice in less than an hour. Its the opening act of the first ever Australia-Malaysia Film Fest.

I'm in the college musical and was at the publicity booth for an hour today. I chalked ads on the sidewalks the other day. And i most probably have practice at 9 later.

I went to the gym today. I am now a member for 2 weeks. I also went for street latin dance class for an hour at another part of uni.

I have an IFA tutorial tmr. After which i have to go to work for 4 hours.

I went to the bank today. Applied for a credit card and extended credit so i could pay fees. I paid $1800 of fees to college today. And im paying more tmr.

I have 2 weeks of OB reading to do. I have a chapter of Corporations Law to read. I have a corp law tutorial tmr after the lecture, which i do not really need to prepare for thank goodness.


From New Zealand..

My little snowman~~!! there was snow EVERYWHEREEEEE!!!!

The four of us who went... Zed, Yien, Me and Jian.

Abt.. Tiredness

- Didn't sleep to well last night. Kept waking up through the night. Really didnt want to wake up in the morning. Had to drag myself out.

Hoping for a good night's sleep tonight.

posted by su @ 5:35 PM  
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Name: su
About Me: Origin: Malaysia carried out life in Singapore.. 2 years exactly. Currently: Melbourne
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