Bits &Pieces of thoughts .. Me.

What i am.
Think about Being..
a wabbit ☺ unskilled and unaware of it ☺ humble ☺ louder than life ☺ passionate ☺ full of empathy ☺ irritated
SaY SomEthIng!!
Seeing things.
Sigh* .. i just saw the show 13 going on 30 again. I love the way she ended up with her best friend Matt. By going into her future, she realized how much she relied on him and loved him, and managed to get back into her past to undo the past.

sigh.. She's quite a good actress, Jennifer Garner.

Well anyway, something that has been striking me these past few days is a matter on : Perspective. Mostly for people. A person usually acts differently through out the day/week/month/ his or her life, yet we only see the side / impression that we already have of him. So even though he does a lot of other things, all we notice are the particular ones that we already expect him to do. Unless he stops doing those things completely, those times when he does the opposite will go by unnoticed, and our perception of him will remain the same. Considering that we dont see the same people often, this will remain the same. It sad that a person can do so much and yet, when others already have a fixed impression of him, there is little that he can do to change that.

Its like how, we as babies when born, hear all things, but as we grow up,we learn to block some noises from our attention and thus focus only on what we want to hear. Think about our parents, and how only their nagging stands out sometimes. Other kind gestures go by unnoticed/ unappreciated. I supposed at times it can be considered as taking for granted. Thats why first impressions are important. Once the frame has been set of you, it is done so unconsciously and only a great tremble can change the shape.

This is also seen when a teacher favours his students. All their mistakes go by, without notice or perhaps with less scolding and maybe even kindly joked off to acknowledge the mistake. Should it be another lesser student in the eyes of the tutor,- major difference in reaction.

Favouritism. You know how we always wanted things to be fair in school and how it was "supposed" to. At least there were rules made to try to make things fair. I was thinking about the work place. No more rules there and things will definately NOT be fair. And there's nothing you can do about it, its just the way things are. So, you do your best to be as nice as you can be and hope you dont get on anyone nerves and of course, try to get on your bosses GOod side, folly befall upon you if you should not. As an individual, try to keep an open mind and attitude towards others. Sometimes, i suddenly look at the person who is talking to me halfway and think to myself.. 'since when did you change?' and later on realise.. its been like that for some time, i was just ignorant. We turn the blind eye on so many things around us. Not seeing things from different sides. Impossible to see from all angles. But im in the opinion that once in a while, we should at least remember to take a swing to the other side and take a look.
posted by su @ 5:41 AM  
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Name: su
About Me: Origin: Malaysia carried out life in Singapore.. 2 years exactly. Currently: Melbourne
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